Friday, 25 April 2008

Why MUST I sPaY my dog?

What is sPaY?
Technically, means removing the ovaries & uterus of your female dog (bitch) or cat (queen) via surgical methods.

Why must i sPaY my darling doggie/ kittie?
1. Help your community … Reduce the overpopulation problem.
Spaying your pet means that your animal and its potential offspring won't contribute to the population of unwanted pets. We will have less stray dogs, and thus less dogs caught by Bandaraya, and thus less dogs suffering on the streets.

2. Healthier for your pet.
Avoid the risks of pregnancy and birth. Many dogs with difficulties with parturition die of complications. Otherwise, the owner spends hundreds of ringgit to a thousand ringgit to get the Caesarean done and save the dog's life.
Spaying reduces the risks of ovarian and uterine cancer. Early spaying (before the first heat) significantly reduce possibility of mammary tumors (in dogs).

3. Easier for the owner
You can enjoy your spayed pet more. Female pets that have been spayed do not go into heat, thus less problems with male dogs surrounding your house everytime she goes on heat.

What do I do now?
If your female pet is not spayed yet, bring her to the nearest vet, get her checked and spayed as soon as possible. Do not wait.

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