Saturday, 13 October 2007


JunJune writes:

I have more grooming nowadays, and pressure is increasing. Though it's stress to please the owner with my style of grooming, I am still trying hard to have a nice trim, without causing any pain on any pets.

But I found that most owners, especially ShihTzu's owners, it seems that they don't know what a ShihTzu should look like in the first place...fluffy, clean face, free from mat...but I don't see these from most of my clients. In fact, I am asked to trim the hair very short bcos of the terrible mats....ticks some more...yaks~~~ disgusting....and I feel bad for the dogs too...

I will just ask the owner to spend 5 min to comb the dog, just 5...another 5 to clean the ears, perhaps 1 hour to bath and blow dry the dog...that's it!!! Hope I won't get mad when I see another mat mat mat ShihTzu...

Thankz to Cryst, DrQQ and Pam for helping me when groooming dogs...

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