Saturday 24 November 2007


JunJun writes:

Gordony was hit by car on Saturday. Her owner sent her here, hoping that she can be cured somehow.
When we uncovered the blanket over her body, we saw her body was deeply hurt, the bones of her hind legs and wound in the abdomen area.
Gordony was very calm, maybe she knew she shouldn't had run out from home and hit by careless driver.
Later QQ discovered that Gordony's hind legs were broken, and afraid that the bones might get infection, the owner will be needed to clean the wound 3 times/day, or else pts.
The owner's daughters cried and begged their mom not to put Gordony to sleep. All clients in the clinic felt very sorry for them, but the decision was on their hand.
Poor Gordony, she was given GA initially to check and clean her wound. But once the decision has been made, she was to be sleeped forever...;(
To all pet owners, please take good care of your pets...

1 comment:

pam said...

i was standing in another room & tears almost flooded my eyes when i heard the girls begging her mom. It breaks the heart of anyone with a heart.